

The world is in need of mothers right now

who pack a sack lunch

for a curious, generous child

and send him off

to find the Rabbi who turns

that one little meal into thousands.

The world is in need of mothers right now

who look out over sacred farmlands

and yield their own five loaves and two fish

for the children

and the gifts the land gave to her

are multiplied beyond wildest dreams.

The world is in need of mothers right now

who write their sons a letter:

“Be a good boy and vote yes!”

and with one unsuspecting “aye!”

grants half a nation

the right to vote.

The world is in need of mothers right now

who simultaneously mend their nests

gather food for hungry baby robins

and maintain justice in the neighborhood.

Not today, mister bully blue jay –

these finches and sparrows will eat in peace.

The world is in need of mothers right now

who study the river’s current

and the queen’s bathing routine

and teach daughters to advocate

for the infant in a basket

who would one day deliver a nation.

The world is in need of mothers right now

who fling open their doors

to full-grown offspring

whose own nests have toppled

and once again feed, comfort, provide

a safe place in uncertain times.

The world is in need of mothers right now

Who come close, even from across the Jordan,

to grown sons in their darkest moments

face pressed to the pavement

with last fearful breaths

the cry goes out: “Mama!”

The world is in need of mothers right now

who leave empty strollers at train stations

send as much as they can to the front lines

keep night watch in prayer, grief, fear, and hope

stand in solidarity with the mothers surviving

under the dark cloud of war.

The world is in need of mothers right now.

Rachel Norris 2022

Photo by Francesco Malavolta @MalavoltaF

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