
The Tree with Lights in It

The wind is warm today Warm and Westerly and Strong By nightfall the last signs of life will be on  my neighbor’s lawn. . Once struck, trunk divided Unusable as […]


She’s a python Binding me up tight Hanging me upside down And then blaming me For not being able to breathe.   She’s a goalkeeper Defending against rest  Blocking peace […]

Prayer to a Silent God

Morning comes and I strike a matchto begin the day with an act of faithThe small, silent flame my symbol of your existence. It’s been years now since this morning-time filled journal […]

To the Wellspring

I wake thirsty  and thankful Knowing just  where to find you. I draw down deep  dip my ladle into eternal, living  waters within. Spring up, o well within my soul […]

All the clouds

All the clouds layer upon layer between the sun and here stacks and billows of rain and strange winds. Small windows of clear but always in the distance. The rain […]

A Dress for Every Season

Navy silk, perfectly tailored A gift from my husband Bought for a time of rejoicing: the wedding of a dear little-sister-friend.   And oh how beautifully the bride shone Surrounded […]

The Center of Your Heart

Caught up in a stream of joy Rushing with the royal throng To the center of Your heart Into the inner chamber To receive oxygen-love Red with life and breath and […]

The Promise of Pressure

Walking into preschool one particularly stressful morning, my daughter said, “You know trees grow their roots underground, just like diamonds grow down deep underground!” The moment I got back in the car I wrote this poem to remember the truth: in the face of strain, stress and the weight of life, we can have hope! For when they press in, something beautiful is being formed.