

Where and when would we meet?
We’d meet monthly (or at an interval of your choosing) for 1 hour, via Zoom or at my home in Franklin.

What is a session like?
Each session looks a little different, as led by the Holy Spirit. Our time would likely begin with a few moments of silence, prayer, contemplative practice . The bulk of the time you’ll have the opportunity to share freely about spiritual things, being gently guided by the director’s questions and times of quiet as we both listen for the Spirit’s direction. Your questions, observations and honest thoughts are most welcome here. Sometimes we’ll end with a prayer or reading. 

How much does an individual session cost?
The fee is $50, unless other arrangements have been made. Cash, PayPal and Venmo accepted.

Are there group options?
Yes, from time to time. Please let me know your interest. Rates vary based on group size.

What about one-day retreats?
Yes, a couple of those are on the calendar as well! Silent retreats and other topical SD-related events are in the works. The retreat space is a beautiful farmhouse in Columbia. Please contact me for more info!

Is it private?  
Absolutely. You have a right to expect confidentiality, and I commit to keep our conversations in strictest confidence, and to honor the sacred relationship between director and directee. Occasionally, I may submit a part of our work to a supervisor, in order to offer you better listening. Identity will always be held in confidence. I am required by law to disclose information without your consent in specific situations. These situations are rare in Spiritual Direction. If one arises, I will make every effort to discuss it with you before taking action.

Can we meet to discuss this further?
Yes! I’d love to meet with you for a complimentary get-to-know-each-other chat. It’s important to find a Director who is the right fit. We can talk further about who I am, where you’re at, what you’re hoping to gain, and any other questions you may have.

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