

In times of difficulty and uncertainty, when circumstances are anywhere from wobbly to downright threatening, I’ve found God’s peace by doing one of two things…

Going higher, or going lower.

Our circumstances are real, yes, but in our spirits we can access another elevation that helps carry us through the current circumstance. Picture a storm over the ocean. On the surface of the water is the most dangerous place to be, right? And where is a safe place to go?

High, high up above the storm, where clear skies and God’s higher perspective can be found. Or down into the depths of the waters, deep into the interior of our spirits, where God dwells with us and in us and holds all things together.

I’ll be putting out a few readings to this end – to help our insides remain centered when our outsides don’t know what’s coming. This first devotional, I hope, will help you find that higher place.

Dear Christians, as we navigate the uncertainty and fear that the COVID-19 virus has thrust upon us, we can be a resource of open hands, steady hearts, and reasonable minds  to everyone we influence.

Hear my cry, O God; 
Give heed to my prayer.
From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; 
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  (Psalm 61:1-2) 

The Land of Everlasting Rock
Rock of my salvation,
I am weary of the waters’
darkness, inconsistencies,
emotions and circumstances.
I have given them too much.

My whole body aches for solid ground.
Give me strength
To climb up
stand firm, sit still
and know He is God.

The Lord my Rock
Reminds me
He is bigger and I am more
than my emotions or

And when the dark voices
Chase, call, tempt me
To dive downward, inward
I can choose to stay here
On His unfailing love.

The Rock of my Refuge
Grants me eyes to see
The heights hold their own depth
The mountains hide vast troves
Of wisdom and beauty.

On Christ, the Solid Rock
I am grounded
Fed honey, water, oil
Soothe anxious searching
Settle into glory.

Here is a place next to God
I shall stand on the Rock
And He shall hide me in the cleft
And make all His goodness
Pass before me.

All other ground
All other waters
Are no place to live.
Lead me to the Rock
that is higher than I.

O Lord, my heart is shifting sand  — circumstance, anxiety, news reports, lack —  it is exhausting. My life should not be built on my own sinking heart, but on your unfailing love. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. From here I can see that you have been good to all generations, and the whole earth is Yours. Let the waters roar and foam and the mountains quake;  one thing remains, and I can set my life upon it. Your steadfast love is my resting place, my firm foundation, and I will not be shaken. You know all the world’s chaotic pain, past, present, and future, and still you stay anchored in your everlasting greatness. Teach me how to stay here in the center of Your heart. Today I choose to remain here, in the cleft of the rock, inside your steadfast love. I choose solid ground. Thank you God for remaining in me as I remain in you. Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation. Amen.

For further reading: Deuteronomy 32, 2 Samuel  22:3, Psalm 18:2, Psalm 46:1-3, Exodus 33:21-22, Deuteronomy 7:9, Luke 6:47-49

Photo by Cas Norris

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